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As Seen On The Home Depot

Home Depot Cleaning Tips

For all of you who have babies in the house…do you ever wonder how something so small can make such huge messes?

Me too.

Thankfully I am really good at cleaning. Like so good that there was a time in my life that I considered being a cleaning lady. And, as it turns out, that is pretty much what I am these days. :)

So you can imagine how excited I was when Home Depot asked me to share my top ten cleaning tips for new parents.

Because I spend a lot of my time cleaning. And I just so happen to have a baby and a preschooler in the house. That must give me some sort of expertise, right?

So I shared a few of my favorite ideas, from cleaning the air in baby’s room with plants to how to encourage older siblings to join in the fun. (Thankfully Avery shares in my love for cleaning!) Plus my go-to gift for new parents, which is also a great gift for yourself.

You can read the whole article here.

What are your favorite cleaning tips? I’m especially interested in ideas to prevent the mess in the first place!


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