
Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.


Minimalist Stocking Stuffers for Kids

These simple and clutter-free stocking stuffers for kids are perfect for minimalists or anyone looking to simplify Christmas this year

Stockings are so fun to fill, and even more fun to open! But the traditional stocking stuffers (super cute little plastic trinkets and toys) are a minimalist’s worst nightmare.

They look really fun. But it is very likely that every one of them will end up under beds, in the corners of closets, or under foot in the middle of the night within a few short weeks. Then into the trash they go.

Instead, I look for things that will not quickly turn into clutter after Christmas. Simple and practical, but still fun.

Minimalist Stocking Stuffers for Kids

Here are a few of my favorite simple, clutter-free stocking stuffers:


They need these things anyway. They are small, cheap, and easy to throw in a stocking. The key is to find them in a fun color or motif your kids like.


We don’t buy much in the way of packaged snacks, so even something as simple as little packages of fruit snacks are super exciting for my kids.

Clothing & Hair Accessories

There are so many fun options for these little accessories. They are super useful, but also a fun gift.

Art Supplies

Getting fresh, new art supplies is such a treat. I like to replenish our supply at Christmas, and my kids love getting them as gifts.

Tips for Simple Stockings

1. Try to pick things up all year round, as you see them. This way you don’t have to go out shopping specifically for stocking stuffers in December. You can also save a lot of money doing it this way, buying things when they are on sale.

2. It is really easy to go overboard when buying stocking stuffers. So I keep a bag for each of my kids that is roughly the size of our stockings. As I find stocking stuffers throughout the year, I throw them into each bag. Once the bag is full, I know not to collect anything more.

And my best tip for stocking stuffers…

3. Buy (or make) small stockings!!!!! Some of the stockings I have seen are soooo big. While they look super cute, they will look sad and empty unless they are filled with dozens of things. We opt for tiny stockings that look overstuffed with just a handful of things.

What are your favorite stocking stuffers for kids?


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