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San Francisco Children’s Books

No matter how much I love This is San Francisco, after reading it a zillion times I need a little variety.  Thankfully, there are a lot of other fun options.  Below is a round up of some of the best children’s books about San Francisco for the littles.

clockwise from top left:
This is San Francisco

Journey Around San Francisco From A to Z
Larry Gets Lost in San Francisco
Good Night San Francisco
San Francisco, Baby!

Frommer’s San Francisco *
San Francisco: The Alphabet Book
123 San Francisco

Above San Francisco
Maybelle the Cable Car
Count to Sleep San Francisco
The City by the Bay: A Magical Journey Around San Francisco

What is your favorite kid’s book about San Francisco?  Are we missing any must-reads?

Larry Gets Lost in San Francisco

* When you are looking for kid’s books about a particular city, don’t forget about travel guides.  They are full of great photographs and fun facts, and you can always skip over the boring parts about accommodations and restaurants.  We have a few different San Francisco guide books, and interestingly enough, they are some of the most requested bedtime stories right now!


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