
Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.


The Play Kitchen

Done.  With 24 hours to spare!  This play kitchen has been in the works for an entire year, and I am so excited to say that it is done, and it is perfect.  The Best DIY Kitchen

After searching forever for a play kitchen, I couldn’t find one that was exactly what I wanted.  So I gathered inspiration from a bunch of different DIY versions, and I decided I would build it myself.  This was months and months ago.  Since I wanted her to have it before she left for college, I enlisted a little help.  I drew up very detailed plans, and found someone who could build the basic structure for me.  So no, I did not make the whole thing all by myself.  But I designed it, and I added everything to it.  So I am just going to go ahead and say that I made it.  Because mine totally could have come out looking this good.  ha!

And yes, I had to take it out to the front walkway to take pictures… I have a very curious two year old glued to my side, and I had approximately 45 seconds to myself to get photos of it.

I sewed some kitchen towels, a little apron, an oven mitt and a hot pad out of vintage fabric left over from her birthday party.

The timer and the knobs are from Anthropologie, and the timer is detachable so that we can actually use it.  The faucet and sink are both vintage, from Etsy.

The napkins are vintage, and were actually made by my grandmother.  I was a little hesitant to put them in there, but at least now they will actually get used.

So there it is.  I love it.  And Avery might have to fight me to get to play with it.


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